Restaurante Amarika

Restaurante Amarika

Plaza Amárica 3- 5

+34 945 200 900



  • Young leeks & asparagus
    Crispy black garlic
  • Fried Calamari
    Mayonnaise and tomato
  • Shrimp Coctail
    Sauce and lemon
  • Sage roasted veal fillet
    Tomato & walnutss
  • BBQ spring chicken
    Pinenut, chilli & garlic
  • Rib-eye on the bone
    Scottish dry aged

main course

  • Butternut squash soup
    Ginger & crème
  • Spinach tortelloni
    Basil & pine nuts
  • Bang Bang chicken
    Peanuts & chilli
  • Dressed Cornish crab
    Toast & celer remoulade
  • Seared tiger prawns
    Red Dragon sauce
  • Sesame pork salad
    Nashi pear & kimchee
  • Sweet rock shrimps
    Sriracha mayonnaise
  • Steamed Thai sea bass
    Black bean sauce
  • Seafood spaghetti
    Clams & squids
  • Grilled Dover sole
    On or off the Bone
  • Cornish cod fillet
    Sea kale & asparagus
  • Cornish ray wing
    Potted shrimp butter
  • Seared scallops
    Maple glazed bacon
  • Grilled calves’ liver
    Mash, bacon & sage
  • The Ivy hamburger
    Pommes allumettes
  • Rosemary lamb cutlets
    Black pudding & peas

chef dessert selection

  • Lemon ricotta tart
    English strawberries
  • Yuzu gin & tonic jelly
    Citrus sherbet
  • Sugar crusted waffle
    Berry compote & cream
  • Seasonal fruits
  • Apricot galette
    Amaretti ice cream
  • Mango & lime sherbet
    Poached pineapple